The Mining and the History
of Złoty Stok Museum
Historical heritage of Złoty Stok and the Museum of the Chamber of Mining
Visiting hours
The museum is open during the working hours of the Gold Mine.
Sightseeing time:
Admission Prices
to the Museum
Admission to the Museum of Mining and the History of Złoty Stok is included in the ticket price of the tour of the Gold Mine.
What will you see
visiting the Museum?

In the Chamber of the
Mining and Smelting Industry of Gold Museum
Thematic rooms
There are several rooms in the Chamber, divided thematically:
- In the "room with prints" there are exhibits from the city, commemorative souvenirs, porcelain (china), coins from the local mint and the oldest views of Reichenstein.
- In the largest hall of the Museum you will find the largest exhibition of mining irons in Europe.
- W największej sali Muzeum znajdziemy największą w Europie ekspozycję żelazek górniczych.
The memory of past generations
Many materials found in Złoty Stok are kept in this Chamber, which is still growing in memory of the past generations and the small homeland of Złoty Stok. You can find here a collection of old books and city guides that make up the history of this amazing town.
True Stories
Many of the exhibits in the Chambers were donated by residents of the Złoty Stok area. These are real gems that write their own history in the Museum. Additionally, we will also find historical plaques with photos and text, devoted to various objects in the city, which will bring us closer to the beginning of Złoty Stok.